
Wednesday 28 June 2017

How do you get water up a hill?

Job: Agricultural soil specialist
Scenario: Your client wants to plant crops in a field 1.5 above the local river. He/ she needs to get water to this field and has no electricity to run a pump and no hose. He/ she must start from scratch! How is he gonna achieve it?

Archimedes Screw = Archimedes- A Greek Mathematician
Archimedes, of Syracuse, was a Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer. He was most famous for his invention, the Archimedes Screw. He was born in 287 BC, in Italy. He then died in 218 BC, also in Italy.

How does the Archimedes Screw work? - 
Science. The Archimedes screw consists of a screw  inside a hollow pipe. The screw is usually turned by windmill, manual labour, or cattle. As the shaft turns the bottom end scoops up a volume of water.

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