
Thursday 22 June 2017

Christchurch water

1. Chch Storm water 
- What is it? 
Water that comes or fall from the sky resulting from heavy falls of rains or snow.
- Where does it go?
The storm water goes through a large network of public and private pipes, drains and water ways all leading to the sea, streams rivers, ponds, lakes and wetlands. It sometimes - What contaminates it?
Storm water, instead flows over streets, parking lots and roofs and into a water body or storm drain. Storm water is worsened by human activities. They can contain nitrogen and phosphorus pollutants from fertilisers, pet and yard waste.
Any thing that you put in the drains.

2. Chch Waste water

 - What is it?
Water that has been already used from pipes, drains, industry etc.
 - Where does it go?
Maintain systems to provide the community. They give a safe, healthy and appropriate treatment and discharge of it's water.
 - What contaminates it?
- The things that shouldn't be in the water like: powder, soap etc.

3. (i) Where does Chch gets it water?

Chch gets its water from the wells within the city that has been sunk down into the aquifers. In Chch there is 55 locations around the city where water is pumped into the pipe network. 
(ii) How is it purified?
They use treatment and they do regular testing   
(iii) What pollutes our city water before we drink it?
Any chlorine and bacteria infection called e.coli.

4. Where does Auckland's water supply come from? (May be more than 1 place)

Auckland's water supply comes from 10 dams one river and one underground source. 

5. What water bourne disease and parasites can we catch in NZ? (Hopefully not in Chch)

Giardia is a food- and water-borne disease. It is caused by a parasite, that is found in the gut of infected humans and animals like: cattle, sheep, cats, dogs, rats and possums.
- What do they do to us? 
It makes you sick and its an illness that affects the digestive tract- in your stomach and intestine. Giardia is protected by an outer shell that allows it to survive outside the body for long periods of time and makes it tolerant to chlorine disinfection.
.- How do they affect us?
It affects our digestive tract in our stomach and intestine.

6. Chch's waste water is treated after use 
- Where is it treated?
 Wastewater flows by gravity into the pump stations, which pump the wastewater from low areas around the city. It's particularly near the Avon and Heathcote Rivers. Five terminal pump stations then pump all the flow to the treatment plant.
- What are the steps involved in treating it?
The wastewater flows into screens catch, the rags and tanks then trap the grit before the flow goes into the sedimentation tanks.The rag and grit is removed and disposed of. About 2 tonnes of rag and 2 tonnes of grit are removed every day.The wastewater then passes through primary sedimentation tanks. Heavy organic matter settles to the bottom of the primary sedimentation tanks and is scraped to one end and pumped to the digesters for treatment. (And more) (The picture below shows how it works or the steps involved in treating) Link to website, read more to be understood

- What happens at each stop?
That it's all involving the water to be treated or to be clean.
- How long does each step take?
Not quite sure, but its 16 days for the clear liquid from the clarifiers to flow through the oxidation pond.
- Where does the treated waste water go?
Power Generation, to the ocean outfall, odour control or Bio solids drying machine that goes to land Remediation.

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