1. Other uses of the Archimedes Screw
2. Paper making through the ages
Inventor: Cai Lun
Start: Ancient Egypt + Travel through times to today
- What was used: Wood pulp. Wood pulp came from wood that is reduced chemically or mechanically to pulp and use in the manufacture of paper.
- The path travelled around the world
China, Egypt, Muslin country, Europe, North Africa, Spain
They went to war and some of the people who makes paper (paper makers) were captured. They were brought to Samarkand. They the people from Samarkand learned how to make paper from the Chinese prisoners.
Include: Samarkand
- What relevance has religion to the spread and development of paper
Parchment paper that is made from sheepskin
What materials have been used:
Rags made out of cotton linen
Wokey Hole paper making
When was wood pulp first used
In Egypt
Paper making in NZ?
In Kewarau
Thursday, 29 June 2017
Wednesday, 28 June 2017
How do you get water up a hill?
Job: Agricultural soil specialist
Scenario: Your client wants to plant crops in a field 1.5 above the local river. He/ she needs to get water to this field and has no electricity to run a pump and no hose. He/ she must start from scratch! How is he gonna achieve it?
Archimedes Screw = Archimedes- A Greek Mathematician
How does the Archimedes Screw work? -
Science. The Archimedes screw consists of a screw inside a hollow pipe. The screw is usually turned by windmill, manual labour, or cattle. As the shaft turns the bottom end scoops up a volume of water.
Scenario: Your client wants to plant crops in a field 1.5 above the local river. He/ she needs to get water to this field and has no electricity to run a pump and no hose. He/ she must start from scratch! How is he gonna achieve it?
Archimedes Screw = Archimedes- A Greek Mathematician
Archimedes, of Syracuse, was a Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer. He was most famous for his invention, the Archimedes Screw. He was born in 287 BC, in Italy. He then died in 218 BC, also in Italy.
Science. The Archimedes screw consists of a screw inside a hollow pipe. The screw is usually turned by windmill, manual labour, or cattle. As the shaft turns the bottom end scoops up a volume of water.
Thursday, 22 June 2017
What is an engineer?a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures.
What type of engineers are there?
There are 40 types of engineer
- Mechanical engineering degree
- Aerospace engineering degree
- Bio mechanical engineering degree
- Automotive engineering degree
- Civil engineering degree
- Structural engineering degree
- Architectural engineering degree
- Electrical engineering degree
- Computer engineering degree
Forces Continued..........
Forces Continued..............
1. Isaac Newton
Who: Isaac newton was an established physicist and a mathematician who is credited and was one of the great minds of the 17th Century Scientific revolution. He discovered the optics, the motion and the mathematics. He also developed the principles of physics.
Where: He was born at 4th January 1643 in Woolsthorpe by Colsterworth, United Kingdom and died at 20th March 1727 in Kensington, London, United Kingdom.
How is his work related to forces: Newtons Laws
Newtons laws:
Newton's first law states that every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force.
The second law explains how the velocity of an object changes when it is subjected to an external force. The third law states that for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.
If an object stays still or keep moving in a straight line it will stay the same except a force acts on it.
2.'G' Forces
A G force is a force that acts on a body as a result of acceleration or gravity. For example, when you ride a roller coaster as you go down in a high obsticle you will feel the force pushing you against to your seat.
3. Why and when do cointainers explode or implode
4. Concorde vs Cargo planes
5. The bends
Static Electricity 10th May / Force 11th May
Static Electricity 10th May
What is Static Electricity?An electric charge, typically produced by friction, which can cause sparks or will attract dust.
When a plastic ruler/pen is rubbed on wool it will attract hair and small pieces of paper.
Forces 11th May
What is a force?
Force is a strength and an energy that attributes of physical movement/ action. It can cause a resting object to move towards something. Force is a pull and push that causes an object to move, stop or change direction. A force is anything that makes an object accelerate.
What are different types of forces?
Contact forces:
- Friction
- Air Resistance
- Tension
- Support
Non Contact forces act at a distance
- Gravitational force- Magnetic force
- Electrostatics
Which force does static electricity belong to?
Mass vs Weight. What is the difference between mass and weight?
Weight is the force of gravity acting on the mass and the mass is the amount of matter/ stuff in something the object.
3rd May Helicopters
Helicopters 3rd May
History of Helicopters
Date: 1100
Where: ----------
Who: Chinese
1100 - Chinese invented a flying toy that had some of the same principles as the helicopter.
Date: 1483
Where: ----------
When: Leonardo Da Vince
1483 - Leonardo Da Vinci had sketches of a helicopter-like flying machine.
Date: 1784
Where: ----------
When: Launoy and Bienvenu
1784 - two French men (Launoy and Bienvenu) built a feathered-model helicopter.
Date: 1843
Where: ----------
When: George Cayley
1843 - Sir George Cayley invented the steam-driven chopper.
Date: 1907
Where: ----------
Who: Paul Cornu
1907 - Paul Cornu built a full-sized helicopter. It cleared the ground for a few minutes, but remained tied down by ropes.
Date: 1916
Where: ----------
Who: Professor Theodore von Karman and Lieutenant Stefan Petroczy
1916 - Professor Theodore von Karman and Lieutenant Stefan Petroczy built a working helicopter. However, because it didn't carry passengers, it was not officially recognized.
Date: 1931
Date: 1931
Where: ----------
Who: Gerald P. Herrick
1931 - Gerald P. Herrick converted an airplane into a helicopter. It was able to land at a steep angle.
Date: 1931
Where: ----------
Who: Focke Achgelis
1938 - the German-made Focke Achgelis Fa 61 was the first official helicopter.
Date: 1939
Where: ----------
Who: Igor Sikorsky
1939 - Igor Sikorsky made the first practical flight in the United States
- What forces are acting on flying helicopters?
Thrust, Drag, Lift and Weight
- Which force is needed for flight?
= Lift
= Lift
When an airplane flies, the wing is designed to provide enough Lift to overcome the Airplane’s Weight. also, while the engine provides enough Thrust to overcome Drag and move the airplane forward.
- What metal are helicopters made from?
Aluminium and Titanium
- What metal are helicopters made from?
Aluminium and Titanium
Careers in Science
Careers in Science
Examples of jobs
Nurse injured birds back to health for re-release into the wild.
Give pets their vaccines, like rabies shots, to help keep them healthy.
Climate Change Analyst could......
Use existing climate data to create mathematical models of what will happen to ocean and land temperatures in the next 50 years.
Create graphics and presentations to educate the public about climate change and its impacts.
Define the terrain of another planet, so that engineers can design an exploration vehicle.
Create topographical maps to show how the coastline has changed over time.
Install lights in a stadium so teams can play night games.
Test the grounding on swimming pool equipment
Help discover new medicines that alleviate pain or cure diseases.
Astronomer......Use sensitive radio telescopes to spot comets and asteroids with the potential to impact Earth.
Investigate how galaxies are formed and if super massive black holes live at their centres.
Analyse water samples for pollution to ensure the public's health.
Test oil additives to see if they improve engine lubrication.
Geoscientist...... |
Christchurch water
1. Chch Storm water
- What is it?
Water that comes or fall from the sky resulting from heavy falls of rains or snow.
- Where does it go?
The storm water goes through a large network of public and private pipes, drains and water ways all leading to the sea, streams rivers, ponds, lakes and wetlands. It sometimes - What contaminates it?
Storm water, instead flows over streets, parking lots and roofs and into a water body or storm drain. Storm water is worsened by human activities. They can contain nitrogen and phosphorus pollutants from fertilisers, pet and yard waste.
Any thing that you put in the drains.
2. Chch Waste water
- What is it?
Water that has been already used from pipes, drains, industry etc.
- Where does it go?
Maintain systems to provide the community. They give a safe, healthy and appropriate treatment and discharge of it's water.
- What contaminates it?
- The things that shouldn't be in the water like: powder, soap etc.
3. (i) Where does Chch gets it water?
They use treatment and they do regular testing
(iii) What pollutes our city water before we drink it?
Any chlorine and bacteria infection called e.coli.
4. Where does Auckland's water supply come from? (May be more than 1 place)
Auckland's water supply comes from 10 dams one river and one underground source.
5. What water bourne disease and parasites can we catch in NZ? (Hopefully not in Chch)
Giardia is a food- and water-borne disease. It is caused by a parasite, that is found in the gut of infected humans and animals like: cattle, sheep, cats, dogs, rats and possums.
- What do they do to us?
It makes you sick and its an illness that affects the digestive tract- in your stomach and intestine. Giardia is protected by an outer shell that allows it to survive outside the body for long periods of time and makes it tolerant to chlorine disinfection.
.- How do they affect us?
It affects our digestive tract in our stomach and intestine.
6. Chch's waste water is treated after use
- Where is it treated?
Wastewater flows by gravity into the pump stations, which pump the wastewater from low areas around the city. It's particularly near the Avon and Heathcote Rivers. Five terminal pump stations then pump all the flow to the treatment plant.
- What are the steps involved in treating it?
The wastewater flows into screens catch, the rags and tanks then trap the grit before the flow goes into the sedimentation tanks.The rag and grit is removed and disposed of. About 2 tonnes of rag and 2 tonnes of grit are removed every day.The wastewater then passes through primary sedimentation tanks. Heavy organic matter settles to the bottom of the primary sedimentation tanks and is scraped to one end and pumped to the digesters for treatment. (And more) (The picture below shows how it works or the steps involved in treating) Link to website, read more to be understood
- What happens at each stop?
That it's all involving the water to be treated or to be clean.
- How long does each step take?
Not quite sure, but its 16 days for the clear liquid from the clarifiers to flow through the oxidation pond.
- Where does the treated waste water go?
Power Generation, to the ocean outfall, odour control or Bio solids drying machine that goes to land Remediation.
- What is it?
Water that comes or fall from the sky resulting from heavy falls of rains or snow.
- Where does it go?
The storm water goes through a large network of public and private pipes, drains and water ways all leading to the sea, streams rivers, ponds, lakes and wetlands. It sometimes - What contaminates it?
Storm water, instead flows over streets, parking lots and roofs and into a water body or storm drain. Storm water is worsened by human activities. They can contain nitrogen and phosphorus pollutants from fertilisers, pet and yard waste.
Any thing that you put in the drains.
2. Chch Waste water
- What is it?
Water that has been already used from pipes, drains, industry etc.
- Where does it go?
Maintain systems to provide the community. They give a safe, healthy and appropriate treatment and discharge of it's water.
- What contaminates it?
- The things that shouldn't be in the water like: powder, soap etc.
3. (i) Where does Chch gets it water?
Chch gets its water from the wells within the city that has been sunk down into the aquifers. In Chch there is 55 locations around the city where water is pumped into the pipe network.
(ii) How is it purified?They use treatment and they do regular testing
(iii) What pollutes our city water before we drink it?
Any chlorine and bacteria infection called e.coli.
4. Where does Auckland's water supply come from? (May be more than 1 place)
Auckland's water supply comes from 10 dams one river and one underground source.
5. What water bourne disease and parasites can we catch in NZ? (Hopefully not in Chch)
Giardia is a food- and water-borne disease. It is caused by a parasite, that is found in the gut of infected humans and animals like: cattle, sheep, cats, dogs, rats and possums.
- What do they do to us?
It makes you sick and its an illness that affects the digestive tract- in your stomach and intestine. Giardia is protected by an outer shell that allows it to survive outside the body for long periods of time and makes it tolerant to chlorine disinfection.
.- How do they affect us?
It affects our digestive tract in our stomach and intestine.
6. Chch's waste water is treated after use
- Where is it treated?
Wastewater flows by gravity into the pump stations, which pump the wastewater from low areas around the city. It's particularly near the Avon and Heathcote Rivers. Five terminal pump stations then pump all the flow to the treatment plant.
- What are the steps involved in treating it?
The wastewater flows into screens catch, the rags and tanks then trap the grit before the flow goes into the sedimentation tanks.The rag and grit is removed and disposed of. About 2 tonnes of rag and 2 tonnes of grit are removed every day.The wastewater then passes through primary sedimentation tanks. Heavy organic matter settles to the bottom of the primary sedimentation tanks and is scraped to one end and pumped to the digesters for treatment. (And more) (The picture below shows how it works or the steps involved in treating) Link to website, read more to be understood
- What happens at each stop?
That it's all involving the water to be treated or to be clean.
- How long does each step take?
Not quite sure, but its 16 days for the clear liquid from the clarifiers to flow through the oxidation pond.
- Where does the treated waste water go?
Power Generation, to the ocean outfall, odour control or Bio solids drying machine that goes to land Remediation.
Thursday, 15 June 2017
Chemist June 14
Chemist June 14
* What does a chemist do?A chemist is a scientist who researches and experiments with the properties of chemical substances. They measure the effects of chemical compounds in various situations and study inter-chemical reactions.
* Practical: Big Pieces / Small Pieces
Use: Quiz Eze Tablets
Expt: For each of the following use 60 ml water and record to dissolve completely. You will have 4 beakers.
a) Use a whole tablet
b) Cut 1 tablet in half and put both into water
c) Cut 1 tablet into 4 pieces and put all 4 pieces into water
d) Crush 1 tablet and add all of it to water
Result: Time:
Whole tablet 15:00 minutes
Halved tablet 11:17 minutes and seconds
Quartered tablet
Crushed tablet 2:15 minutes and seconds
The crushed one works faster than the whole tablet because the crushed one is easier to be dissolve by the water.
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