
Wednesday 10 May 2017

Paper Planes 6th, 12th and 13th April

Paper Planes 6th, 12th and 13th April
Aim: I want to find out how to make paper plane. How to fly a paper plane and how many loops can a paper plane fly.

Equipment: Paper

Get a paper
Fold the paper in half
Fold down the top corners to the centre line
Fold the paper to half and leave 1 inch at the bottom
Fold the new top corners to the centre line
Fold up centre flap
Fold the plane in half so the centre flap shows
Fold down the wings of the plane
It will make a accordian fold 
Repeat it for the wing
12th April
My plane flew well. It went straight and fast and reached the end of the room. I think the plane depends on how you throw it if you want it to fly far. 

I think my plane could go well if I throw it in the right position because I think the plane can go further if I can throw it right. It depends on how you throw it and depends on the air. It can also depends on the type of paper plane. 

The forces acting on plane
Lift, Drag, Thrust and weight 

1 comment:

  1. HI Deianira i like how you have put in pictures to explain your method. Sincerely Nidhi.


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