
Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Food Scientist

Food Scientist

Look at: - texture, taste
              - causes of food going off / bad making new foods
              - Best ways to package food
              - Shelf life (how long the food lasts in good condition)
              - Evaluate the food
              - Interaction of ingredients used
              - Improving + changing flavours
              - Affect of bacteria  -----> spoil the food, causing illness.
Ways to preserve food
eg. canning, freezing, bottling, adding salt, adding preservative
Checking how cooking affects the ingredients 

1/4 c icing sugar
1 t Raro
1/4 t citric acid
1/4 t tartaric acid 
1/4 t baking soda

- Add together in a plastic bag.
- Mix
- Enjoy!!!

The sherbet was good and sour, but i think for me, we could improve it when we make it more sour.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Kete High Impact

Kete High Impact

A force is the Strength/ power/ energy caused by physical action or movements.
We can see this when you shoot a basketball. The force from throwing it pushes it, flying it away from me that makes actions, movements. 

Friction is the force construct by two objects/ surface rub against each other. Friction can also make things/ object stop and also can make an object slow. 
We can see this when we push something/box on the table. The force from pushing it makes a friction which the object and the table rub against each other, which will make the object slow down.

Push is the force that makes an object/person move away from oneself. Its also the force that moves forward. Its the opposite of pull.
We can see this when we push a door. The force from pushing it makes the door move forward or making it move from oneself.

Pull is the force that makes an object/person move towards from oneself. Its also the movement that causes someone/something towards you. Its the opposite of push.
We can see this when pull a door. The force from pulling it makes it move towards oneself.

Gravity is the force that makes a body/physical body towards the centre of the earth or fall/pushes towards the centre of the earth.
We can see this when the an apple falls of a tree. It falls down towards the centre of the earth.

Air Resistance:
 Air resistance is the frictional force air apply against a moving object. When an object moves, air resistance slows it down. Every time the objects motion goes faster, the greater the air resistance exerted against it.
We can see this when a person goes Parachuting. The force of the air makes the parachute slow as it goes through the air going down.

Potential Energy: 
Potential Energy is the force that depends on the position, for it to move. Potential Energy is the stored energy of position possessed by an object. 
A stretched bow with an arrow is an example of potential energy. You can find potential energy when there is possessed energy stored in the position. The more the bow is stretched the more potential energy in it.

Kinetic Energy:
Kinetic Energy is the energy of motion - the action of moving. When the object has motion - horizontal or Vertical, this will have Kinetic Energy. There are also different kinds of forms of kinetic energy.
The airplane can be an example of the kinetic energy. An airplane has the kinetic energy in it because it has the energy of motion and it has the action of moving. The faster the airplane goes the more kinetic energy in it. 

Balanced Force: 
Balanced forces are two forces acting in a opposite direction (on a object) in an equal size. There is always a balanced force in an object when the object stay still, continues moving to move at the same speed, or in the same direction. Its the opposite of Unbalanced forces.
The seesaw we did in science shows balanced force. It is balanced because of the weight and its position. 

Unbalanced Force: 
Unbalanced Forces are forces that can make an not move and can make an object move faster because its not balanced. Forces that cause a change in the motion of an object are unbalanced forces. Its the opposite of Balanced forces.
The seesaw we did in science also shows unbalanced force. It shows unbalanced force because the weight and the position is not the same. 

Accelerate is the force that begin to move quickly/ faster. It can increases the rate, amount and extent. 
When a car goes faster, the force accelerate acts on it. Its because it increases the amount of speed.

Motion is the force of action that is being moved or a movement that is moving. 
When a dice is moved, it will have the movement of moving called motion. 

18th May Science, Explode and Implode

Explode and Implode

1. Inside and outside forces acting on the bottle are equal
 -----> normal space
2. Hot- Force acting on the inside is greater than the force acting on the outside 
 -----> Bottle Bulges 
3. Hot water emptied lid on. Cool under cold water. Bottle collapsed. Force acting on outside of bottle is greater than the force acting inside.
Air Pressure (a force) is greater air particles have more energy to push "harder" against bottle.  

See Saws

1. If 2 people are equal weight where do they need  to sit on the see saw to balance it? 
They will have to sit in equal distance from the centre
2.  If 1 person is heavier where does this person need to sit balance?
They have to sit close to the centre
Note: Each person's weight is a force pushing down on the see saw.  

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Art Term 1

My Artworks
We did some pencil sketching on our first art class with Mrs.Cairns. This is my work. I think I did well but I also think that i can improve it.
This is my drawing of superhero. I copied my superhero - superman from the internet and I copied the other superhero from the paper Mrs.Cairns. I think I could do better than this.

This is my other superhero but it's not finished. I think I did well.
This is my Maori superhero. I copied it from a book. I could improve my artwork by making the background more creative.

My painting went well. The painting is the background for my superhero. 

Paper Planes 6th, 12th and 13th April

Paper Planes 6th, 12th and 13th April
Aim: I want to find out how to make paper plane. How to fly a paper plane and how many loops can a paper plane fly.

Equipment: Paper

Get a paper
Fold the paper in half
Fold down the top corners to the centre line
Fold the paper to half and leave 1 inch at the bottom
Fold the new top corners to the centre line
Fold up centre flap
Fold the plane in half so the centre flap shows
Fold down the wings of the plane
It will make a accordian fold 
Repeat it for the wing
12th April
My plane flew well. It went straight and fast and reached the end of the room. I think the plane depends on how you throw it if you want it to fly far. 

I think my plane could go well if I throw it in the right position because I think the plane can go further if I can throw it right. It depends on how you throw it and depends on the air. It can also depends on the type of paper plane. 

The forces acting on plane
Lift, Drag, Thrust and weight 

Ways to identify Dead Bodies

Ways to identify Dead Bodies
- I.D.
Eg; Drivers License 
- Finger Prints
- Dental Records
- DNA / Genetic Fingerprints
unique to each person, 1st used in 1980's Electrophoresis 
*Identify a dead boy- slide share (slide) ear plugs
*>wiki - this has gel electrophoresis
Find out 
1. How dental records are used 
2. How genetic fingerprinting is used and the method

Blood Splatter 22nd of March

Blood Splatter
Forensic Scientists use blood or blood splatter patterns to help solve crimes, especially violent ones.

How does blood pattern angles (BPA) help the forensic scientist solve crimes?

Bloodstain samples can be collected for BPA by cutting away stained surfaces or materials, photographing the stains and drying and packaging the stained objects/ evidence. When people collect bloodstains they usually use tools who have high quality cameras, sketching materials, cutting materials and evidence packaging.

Types of blood stain patterns?

It has been classified by three basic types: Passive stains, Transfer stains and projected/ impact stains. 
Passive stains can involve drops, flows and pools. It can also include typical result from gravity acting on an injured body. Transfer stains can be outcome by coming into contact with existing Bloodstains and leaving wipes swipes or pattern transfers behind such as a bloody shoe print or a smear from a body being dragged.
Impact stains result from blood projecting through the air. They are usually seen as splatter but may also include gushes arterial spurts and splashes.

Include relevant pictures

Relate to type of crime that caused them

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Exploring Blogs

We are learning to create a positive digital footprint.

We often share personal information when we are online. The people we share with could be our friends and family or people we don't know. We need to make smart decisions about what personal information we share online.