
Wednesday 27 September 2017

Endangered Species September 20/21

20th September 2017
Definition: Animals that are in danger of being extinct. 
Endangered species of NZ animals:
Maui Dolphin
Chester field
Eyelash seaweed
Mokohinau stag beetle
NZ fairytern
Blue duck
Canterbury knobbled weevil
Land snail

What will happen to the species if it is note given any help
use 1 example and discuss:
a) How it became endangered?
Destruction of habitat resulting from human activity such as; mining, pollution, deforestation and sometimes agriculture. Sometimes this can be caused by our actions. 
b) What is being done to help it?
Some open range zoo and wildlife are trying to protect the endangered animals and giving their needs. Some people are planting trees for our forests and also for our endangered species that lives in the forests. The legislator who makes the laws are, making the laws for our environment like forests and more.(The best way to protect our endangered species is too protect the special places where they live.)
c) How successful has this help been?
There are some good process but still working on keeping them safe and how to help them. 

21st September 2017
Topic: Saving the whales
Habitat: Ocean, Sea
Food: It depends on the whales size, social structure, environment, species and type (baleen or toothed) their diets can change drastically from small aquatic life forms such as fishshrimp, larvae, plankton, crabs, krill and squid to large marine mammals as sealionswalrusessealssharksseabirds and even large whales.
Breeding: A female that is mature will generally have a new calf every 2 or 3 years. The mother will continue nursing her child until it is able to hunt for food and survive on it's own, that can last from 6 months to 2 year depending on the whale's species. 
Why do they need saving? Because they are becoming extinct. Also they have an important role to play in nutrient cycling. They are in danger.  
Topic: Effect of mining on the environment
What effect are these having on the environment+species living there?
The impact of mining can include erosion, loss of biodiversity, formation of sinkholes, contamination of soil, groundwater and surface water by chemicals (from mining process). This can also affect our health and may affect the wildlife species. This can be dangerous in many ways and at many levels within the ecosystem. Some contaminants associated with mines (such as; lead arsenic cyanide and more), this may cause chronic effects on resident wildlife.  
Is the use of mining worth destroying animals and plants? Why?

It is not worth mining and destroying the animals and plants, this is because plants and animals are more important than the minerals in Earth. Plants and animals are living things we should treasure. 

Why is mining used?

Removal of minerals such as: manganese, tantalum, cassiterite, copper, tin, nickel, bauxite, iron, ore, gold, silver and diamond. Mining is money making business. 

Tuesday 26 September 2017

PE Gymnastics 26th September

In PE today, we did some gymnastics. Me and my group went on the trampoline, on the bars and the parallel bars. This will be the last session of gymnastics and we had fun. I learnt new things such as; sea drop (on the trampoline), half a turn (on the trampoline), doing a forward roll and a backward roll (on the mat), walking on my hands on the parallel bars, walking and doing some tricks on the beam. There might be somethings that I haven't done or succeed such as; doing a forward and backward roll on the bars. Those things I haven't succeed might be my next goal for the next session for PE. 

Thursday 14 September 2017

Gymnastics P.E 12th of September


I wanted to achieve how to walk in the beams properly and learn how to roll forwards and backwards in the bars, by the end of this period.

I achieved walking in the beams properly (and also jumping in the beams, doing some tricks), and I didn't achieve rolling forwards and backwards in bars. Next time my next goal is having to roll forwards and backwards in the bars and doing it properly.

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Kaitiakitanga September 6


Nuclear Disasters:

1. Fukushima
There was an energy accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear power plant in Fukushima, by the tsunamis and earthquake. 
At the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear power plant in Fukushima.  
It happened on 11th March 2011. 

2. Chernobyl
There was a disaster like Fukushima and known as Chernobyl disaster. There was also a nuclear accident by Chernobyl Nuclear power plant.
Near Pripyat.
26th April 1986.

Why are these important?
Because it taught us a lesson, also this can be a reason to be more protective for our planet/country (Conservation). How to change. 
What effect have they had on the areas around them?
It spread around them and also there will be a possibility that an accident might come. (effect like; too much radiation, poison, sickness, etc.) 
What have we learnt from them?
Not to have any Nuclear power plant and to be more careful and attentive. 

Tuesday 12 September 2017

P.E. Gymnastics

Today we did Gymnastics and it was fun. For me it was fun because we had to try something new and it was challenging for me. I was afraid for the first time jumping over the cone in the beam but I was successful at jumping at it. There might be some failures but at the end I learnt something new.  

Thursday 7 September 2017

Senses - Practical


1. Vegemite
2. Applesauce
3. Cornflakes/ Cereal
4. Marshmallow
5. Sour patch

1. Acetone/Vinegar 
4. Banana
5. Coffee
6. Chocolate
7. Onion 

1. Grass
2. Clothes Pin/Peg
3. Pinecone
4. Sponge
5. Button
6. String
7. Cotton wool
8. Beads
9. Marbles

Today, in Science we a practical using our senses, these are the results of the practical. I think we did well. 

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Experts in Role

On the 6th of September, in drama we have been doing some exercises; Experts in Role. 

How does this works? Experts in Role
Some experts like, professor, students, Ministry, Archaeology etc. we have gathered around and have been describing an object. We have been observing that object and saying what we see, in our opinion and I was a professor. Some descriptive words we use are: old, black, ancient, smooth, round, dint etc. Some skills we needed to show is our listening skills, thinking skills and more.